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    Aqua Seeds expands its product portfolio with the release of a new tomato seed called Yarumo Hy. Among the main characteristics of this product, we can highlight that it is a hybrid tomato, determined, with large fruit Saladette type, weight 160 to 260 grams each, plants are vigouruos with good leaf cover.

    Our Yarumo Hy tomato perform wel for protected crops, and open field cultivations. Fruit are firm, shiny red and very strong under shipping conditions, high resistance to V (Verticillium wilt race 1), FFF (Fusarium wilt race 1, 2 y 3), N (Nematode Root Knot), Sw (Tomato Spotted Wilt virus), P (Bacteria Speck), Ty (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus).

    Yarumo Hy tomato seeds are offered to the market after a development and certification process that began in Venezuela and Colombia, which once completed has allowed Aqua Seeds to incorporate it into its range of options, with the guarantee that our customers will have access to a product with unbeatable attributes within the category of tomatoes.


    Our company is now part of the exclusive group of organizations that promote their products in “Agrotendencia”, which is a communication platform that integrates the agri-food sector with the creative sector to produce content related to agriculture, livestock, fish farming, forestry, care of the environment, animal welfare, nutrition, news and all related topics in multiple formats to be disseminated by its different media.

    This platform currently has more than 40 programs, all in Spanish, produced in various countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States of America and Spain. This means that both national and foreign producers have a macro vision about projects, ventures, news and varieties that are carried out in their country, as well as in neighboring regions. The platform’s main pillar is the “Agrotendencia TV” channel, available through more than 350 Pay TV systems, throughout 13 Latin American countries.


    The seeds of the sweet pepper are the product of seven cultivars collected in the producing regions of this item in Venezuela (La Rinconada, Tacarigua, Sabana de Guacuco, Pedro González, Espinal, Guarame and Salamanca), through a mass selection process, mixing the seed and using the Pure Line method to select the cultivar with the best yields; focused so that the plant is able to withstand drought and salinity and highlighting its attributes of flavor, color, scent and durability in storage. All this process produces a seed of Homozygous sweet pepper or commercial seed.

    They have the characteristics and attributes of the sweet pepper of the different producing regions of Venezuela, such as the Andean, coastal center and the plains. The seeds germinate approximately 90%. A grain has approximately 250 seeds. The average weight of the fruit is 16 to 20 grams. Our organization has spent approximately 6 years refining the selections until obtaining the desired color, smell and format, therefore, the seeds are certified that they comply with the original characteristics of the Venezuelan sweet pepper. For this horticultural item, we are the only company that has 7 varieties that we offer to the market of this sweet pepper of excellent quality.