

Our company is now part of the exclusive group of organizations that promote their products in “Agrotendencia”, which is a communication platform that integrates the agri-food sector with the creative sector to produce content related to agriculture, livestock, fish farming, forestry, care of the environment, animal welfare, nutrition, news and all related topics in multiple formats to be disseminated by its different media.

This platform currently has more than 40 programs, all in Spanish, produced in various countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States of America and Spain. This means that both national and foreign producers have a macro vision about projects, ventures, news and varieties that are carried out in their country, as well as in neighboring regions. The platform’s main pillar is the “Agrotendencia TV” channel, available through more than 350 Pay TV systems, throughout 13 Latin American countries.

One Comment

  • Eglit Perez

    Me parecen muy interesantes las opciones de semillas que ofrecen en diferentes países de américa latina.

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